Thursday, 16 August 2012

Radio spots are still hit and miss.

What has happened to theatre of the mind in the creation of radio spots. If you're trying to sell someone something, remember that every sale is personal and that's what makes radio so powerful. Where radio writers get it wrong is in not using theatre of the mind to evoke emotion, the vital ingredient. Spot writers are not painting pictures in the listener's imagination that evoke emotion. Make the listener sad, or angry, or happy, but evoke some kind of emotion. Every sale requires an emotional component.

It's easy to see why. Writing for radio is the most difficult of all media. You're dealing with one sense only, hearing, which leaves out the bulk of the communication spectrum.

The worst spots on radio currently are those that involve dialogue. If you're writing dialogue at least make sure that that's how normal people converse, otherwise it sounds stilted and contrived..

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